1939-09 Atlantic Monthly Magazine Contents 1939/09 — Contents as follows: The Flowering Seed by Donald Culross Peattie Look in Your Glass by Ruth Gordon Behind the Budget – Why We Must Spend by Stuart Chase Six Kings by G.A. Borgese Short Stories from Abroad: Par l’amour by Franz Werfel I Am Not Myself by H.E. Bates The Schwabing Alp by Roda Roda Crisis – A Poem by W.H. Auden Town Against Country by Wilson Follett Texas Banks Its Oil – Our New Frontier in Action by Gerald Donoghue Concentration Camp by Dr. ‘X’ The Feeble of the Who’s — A Parody by Theodore Spencer Poems:The Schism by Theodore Morrison The Departure by George Allen Poland by Walter Duranty Under Thirty: Lewis W. Ware – Hambla Bauer Contributors’ Club – Ernest Earnest – Anne Goodwin Winslow The Atlantic Serial: Rogue Male by Geoffrey Household