1913/04/05 — Cover design by Charles A. MacLellan
Complete contents picked up from paging through the issue are as follows:
Notable advertising in this issue is as follows: House of Kuppenheimer ad on the inside front cover, Crisco, Campbell’s Tomato Soup*, Havers Motor Car Co.*, The Indian Motorcycle, 2-page Overland from The Willys-Overland Co. in the middle of the issue, 2-pages for Chalmers Motor Company, BF Goodrich, 2-pages for Franklin Automobile Co., Reo Motor Car Co.*, 2-pages for Yale Motorcycles, Kellogg’s*, R-C-H Corporation, Colt Firearms*, Daisy Air Rifle*, Oakland Motor Car Company on the inside back cover, and a Community Silver ad illustrated by Coles Phillips on the back cover and shown below. (Note ads that are smaller than a full page are marked with an asterisk (*))