1968-06-07 Films in Review Magazine Contents June-July 1968 1968/06-07 – Cover: Vyacheslav Tihonov and Vladislav Strzhelchik in “War and Peace” ARTICLES: Bing Crosby by Alvin H. Marill – 24 pages with 7 pages of film credits Renee Adoree by Roi A. Uselton – 13 pages Melville on the Screen by Stanley Fuller FILM REVIEWS: Blue by Roi Frumkes The Detective by Louise Goffe A Face of War by Arthur B. Clark The Fifth Horseman Is Fear by Norman Cecil Hagbard and Signe by Alice Canby Pearson The Odd Couple by Harriet Gibbs Petulia by Rachel Weisbrod The Swimmer by Irene Kamsler Trans-Europ-Express by Louise Corbin War and Peace by Henry Hart MONTHLY COLUMNS: Films on TV by Jack Edmund Nolan The Sound Track by Page Cook Films on 8 & 16 by Samuel A. Peeples Letters