1930-01 The Yale Review Magazine Contents 1930/1 (Autumn) — Contents as follows: Public Services and the Public by Felix Frankfurter Kensington Gardens and Lafayette Square by James Truslow Adams The Buckles of Superior Dosset — A Story by John Galsworthy Two Poems by Robert P. Tristram Coffin The Root of All Evil by C. Reinold Noyes British India and the Indian States by L.F. Rushbrook Williams Modern Drama and Music by Paul Claudel Sex in the Eternal Triangle of Life by Alexander Petrunkevitch Memories of a Working Women’s Guild by Viriginia Woolf Take My Vows — Verse by Dorothy Parker Undepicted America by O.W. Firkins Browning and Two Popes by William Lyon Phelps Spanish Dusk — A Story by Hugh Walpole New Books in Review Letters and Comment: Melodrama by Gordon Craig The Yale Review Award: Decision of the Judges by Wilbur Cross Library of the Quarter: Outstanding Novels by The Editors Contributors to this Number