1928-04 The Yale Review Magazine Contents 1928/04 — Contents as follows: Modern Religion and American Citizenship by Willard L. Sperry What Is Darwinism? by T.H. Morgan The Black Rock: To Thomas Hardy — Verse by John Gould Fletcher A Memorable Season in the Theatre by Robert Littell The Illusions of Joseph Conrad by Wilbur Cross Soliloquoy — Verse by Babette Deutsch The Press and International Affairs by J.A. Spender The Advance in the American Labor Movement by John Spargo The Romantic Detective — A Story by Ford Madox Ford Spanish-American Literature by Frederick Bliss Luquiens Some Curiosities of Bird Lore by Louise Driscoll Shakespeare’s Study in Culture and Anarchy by Tucker Brooke New Books in Review Library of the Quarter: Outstanding Novels Contributors to this Number