1937-04 Harpers Monthly Magazine Contents 1937/04 — Exit the Monroe Doctrine by Hubert Herring A Woman Like Dilsie – A story by David Thibault The Idea of a World Encyclopedia by H.G. Wells Better Days for Music by John Tasker Howard Once Heaven Was Music – A poem by Marion Lemoyne Leeper England Turns a Corner by Elmer Davis Your Civil–and Uncivil–Servants by Anonymous For a Young Man – A Poem by Marjorie Marks Chemical Foundations of Mind by George W. Gray This Is My Own, My Native Land – A Story by Benedict Thielen Ritual for Myself – A Poem by Anderson M. Scruggs Can the Schools Save Democracy? by Avis D. Carlson Office Morale and Chinese Devils by Carl Crow Who Are the American Immortals? by Dumas Malone The Lion’s Mouth Prize Contest Announcement The Easy Chair by Bernard De Voto Personal and Otherwise Where to Shop Section Among the New Books by Harry Hansen Steamship Sailing Dates