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You are here: Home/Harpers Monthly/ 1874-09 Harpers Monthly Magazine Contents
1874-09 Harpers Monthly Magazine Contents
1874/09 —
On Negro Schools — Illustrated by Porte Crayon — 12 pages of text with numerous illustrations including: Charley, The Great Scholar, A Collegian, Mathematics, Private Tutor, Clerical, The Negro Preacher, The Nurse, The Cook, Hustle Cap, Biddy, much more
The Silent Majority by Junius Henri Browne
Roses of Florence by C. A. Merighi
South Sea Islands by William H. Rideing
Song of the Flail by J. T. Trowbridge
Rape of the Gamp — Chapters 1-4 — by C. Welsh Mason
Observatories in the United States — Part 2 — by Professor J. E. Nourse