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You are here: Home/Harpers Monthly/ 1872-05 Harpers Monthly Magazine Contents
1872-05 Harpers Monthly Magazine Contents
1872/05 —
The Mountains — Part 2 — by Porte Crayon
Mr. Jefferson’s Pet by Schele De Vere
Saltaire and Its Founder by George M. Towle
The Story of Tammany — Part 2: How It Grew to Political Supremacy — by Rufus Home
Little Brown Fist by Justin M’Carthy
Inventors and Inventions by Eugene Lawrence
How Baby Crossed the Isthmus by C. H. B. Richards
California — Part 1: How to Go There, and What to See By the Way — by Charles Nordhoff
The Golden Lion of Granpere — Part 4 — by Anthony Trollope
The Dew by R. S. White
In the Studio by Mary B. Dodge
A Good Investment by William J. Flagg
Wallenstein’s Horoscope by S. S. Conant
Old Kensington –Chapter 1: Bricks and Ivy – Chapter 2: Dutch Tiles – Chapter 3: To Old Street by the Lanes – Chapter 4: An Afternoon at Penfold’s – Chapter 5: Steel Pens and Goose Quills — by Miss Anne Elizabeth Thackeray