1889-04 The Atlantic Monthly Magazine Contents April 1889 1889/04 — Contents as follows: The People in Government by H.C. Merwin Passe Rose – Chapters 23-26 — by Arthur Sherburne Hardy Death in April by Bliss Carman Why Our Science Students Go to Germany by Samuel Sheldon A Dissolving View of Carrick Meagher by George H. Jessup A French Bishop of the Fifteenth Century by Francis C. Lowell Hannah Callin’s Jim — Part 2 of 2 — by Elizabeth W. Bellamy Cooperation by Edith M. Thomas From Venice to Assos by William Cranston Lawton The Tragic Muse – Chapters 8-10 – by Henry James Before the Assassination by Harriet Waters Preston In Eclipse by T.W. Parsons King’s Cup and Cake by Sophie May An Outline Portrait by Louise Imogen Guiney To James Russell Lowell – At the Dinner given in his honor at the Tavern Club, on his Seventieth Birthday, February 22, 1889, by Oliver Wendell Holmes Renan’s Dramas Young Sir Henry Vane The Contributor’s Club Books of the Month