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You are here: Home/Films in Review/ 1995-11-12 Films in Review Magazine Contents November-December 1995
1995-11-12 Films in Review Magazine Contents November-December 1995
1995/11-12 –
Cover: “Desperado”
Pre-MGM Spencer Tracy by John C. Tibbetts – 19 photo packed pages
Louise Brooks – PART 1 – by Jerry Vermilye – 11 pages, packed with photos, to be continued in next issue (not included). First two pages shown as sample below
Rediscovering “Her Man” by John Andrew Gallagher – 10 pages
Many Bridges to Cross – A Fable About Whoopi by John C. Tibbetts
The Good, The Bad, and the Just Passable by Alan G. Barbour and Roy Frumkes
United Artists Sci-Fi Matinee by Bob Stephens – 7 pages
A Filmgoer’s Journal of the Montreal Film Festival by Kenneth Geist
The Animator Who Never Gave Up; The Unmaking of a Masterpiece by Edward Summer
Jack Pickford and Olive Thomas by Stuart Oderman – 12 pages
Babe by Edward Summer
Belle du Jour by Harry Pearson, Jr.
Beyond Rangoon by Andy Pawelczak
Clockers by Andy Pawelczak
Crumb by Andy Pawelczak
Desperado by Andy Pawelczak
Leaving Las Vegas by Barbara Cramer
Lord of Illusions, The Prophecy by Victoria Alexander
The Run of the Country by Eva H. Kissin
Something to Talk About by Andy Pawelczak
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar by Barbara Cramer