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You are here: Home/Sports Illustrated/ 1957-06-17 Sports Illustrated Magazine Contents June 17 1957
1957-06-17 Sports Illustrated Magazine Contents June 17 1957
1957/06/17 – Front cover features Eddie Arcaro illustrated by Robert Riger
Part 1 of 5 — The Art of Race Riding by Eddie Arcaro and Whitney Tower with drawings by Robert Riger
Skills of the Baseball Hitter by Robert Creamer and John G. Zimmerman includes full-page color photos of each Hank Aaron, Yogi Berra, Harvey Kuenn, Jim Lemon
A Square (Congressional) Deal for Sports by Representative Kenneth B. Keating
Now It’s Eddie vs. Shoe by Whitney Tower about the 89th running of the Belmont Stakes
High-Seas Hot Rods by Ezra Bowen – Speedboats of 1957
Dust-Up at Devon by Alice Higgins
Dude’s Delight by Toni Frissell
Danish Dazzle by Horace Sutton
Fair Ladies and Royal Ascot by A.P. Herbert with drawings by Rowland Emmett