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You are here: Home/Sporting News/ 1956-12-12 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents December 12 1956
1956-12-12 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents December 12 1956
1956/12/12 —
Cover cartoon is ” After Us the Deluge” by Willard Mullin showing the deluge of stats with related headline of issue “Giles Raps ‘Phony’ Playing Streaks” and article beginning under “N.L. Prexy Cites Musial’s ‘Appearance’ in ’55 Game”
Feature article with photos of new Cubs manager Bob Scheffing
“DeWitt Sees Minors’ Fund Job as ‘Challenge'”
“Busch Investment in Cards Put at $6,718,068” with additional article on page “Musial, Turned 36, ‘Sure I Can Do the Job Two More Seasons'”
A page of A.L. batting leaders features large cartoon headshot of batting champ Mickey Mantle
Plus, believe it or not, much more! Including several articles covering many other players, usually at least something from each team; winter ball coverage; The separately numbered 8-page “The All-Sports News” section covering football and other sports with large cartoon of boxer Floyd Patterson by Willard Mullin on the cover of the section
30 pages plus 8-page “The All-Sports News” section for 38 pages total.