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You are here: Home/Sporting News/ 1956-11-28 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents November 28 1956
1956-11-28 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents November 28 1956
1956/11/28 —
Cover cartoon is “More Black Gold to Make the Big Bomber Purr” featuring a bucktoothed MICKEY MANTLE on the cover with George Weiss, by Lou Darvas
Headline of issue is “Rules-Makers Move to Speed Games — Changes Curb Pitchers’ and Hitters’ Stalls”
About a 1/3rd of a page article: “A Page from Satchel’s Book–Docs Says Warm-Ups Are Bunk” with photo of Satchel Paige
Full Page article with two photos of MICKEY MANTLE — “Mantle Repeater as Majors’ Speed King” with a long list of players clocked out of the box down to first leading off with the Mick at 3.3. seconds
“7 From N.L., 4 from A.L. on Rookie Stars” featuring photos of them all, the biggest of which is Frank Robinson, plus Bill White, Luis Aparicio, Charley Neal and more
“Spink Cited as St. Louis ‘Sports Figure of ’56’ — 500 Salute Publisher at Elk Ceremony”
Full page of Brooklyn Dodgers coverage
Coverage of N.L. MVP Don Newcombe includes cartoon of Newk plus the voting
SIGNS — Make Rivals Beat Selves – Garagiola Tells How Catcher Directs Work of Pitcher” featuring Joe Garagiola
Plus, believe it or not, much more! Including several articles covering many other players, usually at least something from each team; winter ball coverage; The separately numbered 10-page “The All-Sports News” section covering football
30 pages plus 10-page “The All-Sports News” section for 40 pages total.