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1968-02-24 The New Yorker Magazine Contents
1968/02/24 —
The classic Rea Irvin annual cover
Goings on About Town
The Talk of the Town
“Indulgence in Games” by Dick Arndt, MD
“The Satellite” by Ted Walker
“Who Called That Pied-Billed Grebe a Podilymbus Podiceps Poediceps” a poem by Odgen Nash
Reflections: A New Situation in the World by Richard H. Rovere
“Piano Practice” a poem by Howard Moss
The Theatre: Laff Riot by Brendan Gill is about “Plaza Suite” by Neil Simon
Letter from London by Mollie Panter-Downes
“Unalterables” by Arthur Gregor
“The Collection” by Thomas Meehan.
Irish Sketches” Ring in the Old, Ring in the New — With a Bit of a Jangle by JOhn McCarten
The Current Cinema: A Great Folly, and a Small One begins with the recent death of Mae Marsh and spends most of the time talking about the early work of D.W. Griffith, by Pauline Kael
Musical Events: Grant Opera by Winthrop Sargeant
The Race Track: Rustlings of Spring by Audax Minor