1968-03-23 The New Yorker Magazine Contents 1968/03/23 — Cover by Abe Birnbaum Goings on About Town The Talk of the Town “Something No One Ever Sees” by George H. Freitag “Malcolm and Bea” by Mavis Gallant “A Little Retarded Boy on the Lexington Avenue Express” a poem by Ralph Pomeroy “Going to the Bakery” a poem by Elizabeth Bishop Annals of Finance: In Defense of Sterling – Part 1 of 2 by John Brooks The Theatre: Vile Bodies by Brendan Gill about Gore Vidal’s “Weekend” Off Broadway: Wishy Washout by Edith Oliver The Race Track: Home Again by Audax Minor The Art World: Signs about the Adolph Gottleib retrospective by Harold Rosenberg Letter from Saigon by Robert Shaplen Musical Events: Spooked Duke by Winthrop Sargeant The Naked-Ape Crisis by H.F. Ellis Letter from Washington by Richard H. Rovere The Current Cinema: O Pioneer! by Pauline Kael Letter from London by Mollie Panter-Downes Books:Babes in the Wood by Naomi Bliven is about “Nicholas and Alexandra” by Robert K. Massie