1927-11 American Mercury Magazine Contents 1927/11 — Contents as follows: The Biology of Superiority by Raymond Pearl Egypt by W.A.S. Douglas Tom Heflin by John W. Owens A German Grandfather by Ruth Suckow Editorial Elegy in a Malty Mood by Benjamin DeCasseres Officers of the Court by Horace A. Davis Americana A Texas Chain-Gang by Ernest Booth The Arts and Sciences: Heat or Heredity? by Emmett Reid Dunn The Yugoslav Speech in America by Louis Adamic Body’s Breviary by Joseph Warren Beach The Gods Confused by Oliver H.P. Garrett Deadwood the Dreadful by Duncan Aikman Churches in the Moronic Mode by F.R. Webber Flat Tires on the Farm by W.G. Clugston Days of Wickedness by Herbert Asbury Clinical Notes by George Jean Nathan The Theatre by George Jean Nathan The Library by H.L. Mencken The American Mercury Authors Check List of New Books Editorial Notes Lucky Strikes Cigarettes illustrated ad on back cover