1929-04 American Mercury Magazine Contents 1929/04 — Contents as follows: The Progressives of the Senate by A Washington Correspondent The Will of the People by James M. Cain Sapping Day by Jim Tully Mrs. Kemper by Ruth Suckow Editorial The Discipline of Sex by Edward Sapir Learning How to be Black by Albon L. Holsey Americana Renaissance in Hollywood by (R.E.) Robert Sherwood Trial by Jury, or by Judge? by Sterline E. Edmunds Horse-Car Days by Raymond S. Tompkins The Arts and Sciences: Modernism for Sale by Lewis Mumford Literary Currents in Cuba by Isaac Goldberg Walt Whitman’s Politics by Clifton Joseph Furness An American Wrestles With God by Benjamin DeCasseres Old Tuck by Meritt Wimberly Nocturne at Noon–1605 by Thomas Hornsby Ferril The Land of Laughs by Louis Adamic Public School Mamas by Margaret Cobb Clinical Notes by George Jean Nathan The Theatre by George Jean Nathan The Library by H.L. Mencken The American Mercury Authors Index to Volume XVI Check List of New Books Editorial Notes Book Value by Rudolph L. Weissman