1916/06/10 — ITEM DESCRIPTION: Cover design by Harry Fisk.
Complete contents picked up from paging through the issue are as follows:
Notable advertising in this issue is as follows: Sun-Maid Raisons on the inside front cover, Ingersoll Watches, Studebaker, Hudson Super-Six, Warner-Lenz, KisselKar, Lancaster Wiregrip Tires, Campbell’s Soups*, Packard Twin-Six, Ajax Tire Mileage Contest from Ajax Rubber Company, Cole Motor Company, 2-page Columbia Records ad in center of issue (detached from binding but laid-in), 2-page ad for Goodyear, Oldsmobile Light Eight*, 2-page ad for Butterick, United States Tire Company, Dodge Brothers Roadster*, Fisk Tires, Mitchell Six from Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co., Delco Electric Cranking Lighting Ignition, BVD with illustration by David Robinson, Florsheim Shoes, “Asbestos: The Fire and Time definat Mineral of Many Marvels” from Johns-Manville, Quaker Oats*, Abbott-Detroit from Consolidated Car Company, Miller Tires, Maxwell Motor Cars, Champion Spark Plugs*, Hupmobile, Haynes Automobile Company, and an Old Dutch Cleanser ad on the back cover and shown below. (Note ads that are smaller than a full page are marked with an asterisk (*))