1915/11/13 — ITEM DESCRIPTION: Cover design by Tony Sarg.
Complete contents picked up from paging through the issue are as follows:
Notable advertising in this issue is as follows: Palmolive Soap on the inside front cover, Holeproof Hosiery, Campbell’s Soup*, Pathe Pathephone*, Kirschbaum Clothes*, Daisy Pump Gun*, Quaker Oats*, Iver Johnson Revolver*, 2-page ad for Columbia Grafonola in the middle, Goodyear Wing Foot Air Heels, KisselKar*, Jones Sausage*, Franklin Automobile Co., Dodge Brothers Winter Car*, Saxon Six, Goodyear Truck Tires, Bob-o-links, Cadillac, Mary garden Face Poweder*, Camel Cigarettes (early), Towle’s Log Cabin Syrup, Oldsmobile, Sun-Maid Raisins, Munsingwear on the inside back cover, and a Bull Durham Tobacco ad on the back cover and shown below. (Note ads that are smaller than a full page are marked with an asterisk (*))