1915/09/25 — ITEM DESCRIPTION: Cover design by Sarah S. Stilwell Weber.
Complete contents picked up from paging through the issue are as follows:
Notable advertising in this issue is as follows: The Blake by The House of Kuppenheimer on the inside front cover, Crisco, Hercules Powder*, Quaker Oats*, Hamilton Watch*, Duke’s Tobacco*, Saxon Motor Company, Sherwin-Williams*, Elgin Watches*, Velvet Joe*, Tuxedo Tobacco w/6 spokesmen including actor Hughie Mack, Beech-Nut Peanut Butter*, Jergens Soap*, Dodge Brothers Winter Car*, Fatima Cigarettes*, Kissel Motor Car Co.*, Listerine*, Stetson Hats, Prince Albert, Thomas B. Jeffery Company, Remington Rifles*, Briscoe Motor Co.*King Air Rifles*, Willys Knight ad on inside back cover, and a Gold Medal Flour ad on the back cover and shown below. (Note ads that are smaller than a full page are marked with an asterisk (*))