1915/09/18 — ITEM DESCRIPTION: Cover design by Charles Livingston Bull.
Complete contents picked up from paging through the issue are as follows:
Notable advertising in this issue is as follows: Studebaker ad on the inside front cover and following page, Campbell’s Soups*, Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen*, Winchester Rifles and Cartridges illustrated by Lynn Bogue Hunt*, 2-page ad for the Overland in the middle, Enger Twin Six, United States Tires*, Cadillac, Chalmers Underwear, Fisk Tires with illustration by Danman Fink, Dodge Brothers*, Community Silver with illustration by Coles Phillips, Miami Power Bicycle, Moon Motor Car Co., Kirschbaum Yungfelo Clothes with Kirschbaum Arrow Model, Chalmers Motor Co., Mary Garden Face Powder*, Goodyear, Sun-Maid Raisins, Munsingwear, and a Victrola ad featuring Alma Gluck on the back cover and shown below. (Note ads that are smaller than a full page are marked with an asterisk (*))