1913/11/15 — Cover design by J.C. Leyendecker
Complete contents picked up from paging through the issue are as follows:
Notable advertising in this issue is as follows: The Royal Tailers, Holeproof Hosiery, Keen Kutter*, American Thermos Bottle Co.*, Campbell’s Soups*, Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co.*, Ever-Ready Safety Razors*, Simmons Chains ad featuring Robert Mantell, Donald Brian and Josephine Cohan*, Edison Dictating Machine*, Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen*, Victor-Victrola, Bing Toys*, Velvet Tobacco*, Kissel Motor Car Co., Kirschbaum*, Hansen’s Gloves*, The Chandler Motor Car Co., Krit Motor Car Co., Prince Albert, Lysol*, Studebaker, Girard Cigars*, The Mysto Erector*, Towle’s Log Cabin Syrup*, King Air Rifles*, Hupp Motor Car Co., and Mazda from General Electric on the back cover and shown below. (Note ads that are smaller than a full page are marked with an asterisk (*))