1909/09/11 — Cover design by Walter H. Everett
Complete contents picked up from paging through the issue are as follows:
Notable advertising in this issue is as follows: The House of Kuppenheimer on the inside front cover, Keen Kutter, 2-pages in the center for Onoto Fountain Pens, Campbell’s Soups*, The Bradley Knitting Co.*, Detroit Looscarf Collar Company, Plexo Suspenders from Knothe Brothers, Vortex Vacuum, “61” Floor Varnish from Pratt & Lambert Varnishes, Mallory Cravenette Hats, Chalmers-Detroit Motor Co., Cook’s Lineoleum*, Acme Quality Paints Enamels Stains and Varnishes, Liquid Veneer*, Chiclets*, Sorority Chocolates from Taylor Bros. Company*, Quaker Oats*, Rat Bis-Kit*, King Quality from Arnold Shoe Company*, Everwear Hosiery on the inside back cover, and a Shredded Wheat ad on the back cover and shown below. (Note ads that are smaller than a full page are marked with an asterisk (*))