1903/01/24 — Cover design by Harrison Fisher.
“The January Special Number”
Complete contents picked up from paging through this issue are as follows:
Notable advertising in this issue is as follows: Ivory Soap*, The Prudential*, Lifebuoy Soap*, “The Angelus” from the Wilcox & White Co.*, “The Modern Watchmen” from Dueber Hampden Watchworks*, Smith & Mabley*, Remington Typewriter*, the Union Buggy Company*, “The Wing Piano” from Wing & Son*, The Smith Premier Typewriter*, Walter Baker’s Cocoa & Chocolate, Daisy Rifle, a quarter-page ad for “The Pit by the Late Frank Norris” from Doubleday, Page & Co.*, Rambler Touring Car from Thomas B. Jeffrey & Co.*, Iver Johnson Revolvers “will stand the test of the most critical inspection”8, Williams’ Shaving Soap*, full-page from The Winton Motor Carriage Co. on the inside back cover, and Ralston Purina Cereals on the back cover. (Note ads that are smaller than a full page are marked with an asterisk (*))