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1960-08-24 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents
1960/08/24 –
Cover cartoon is “Cap’n Murtaugh’s Well-Marked Map” by Lou Darvas
Headline on front cover is “Old-Timers Fire Blast at Slab Trends – Feller Claims Twirlers Fail to Train Hard”
Dick Groat feature with large Groat cartoon by Dee
“Pirates Near Buried Treasure, Prod Top Rivals Off the Plank”
Eddie Mathews – Frank Robinson “Bout Sparks Cincy Melee – Eddie Uncorks Kayo Wallop After Tagging Red Star Trying to Stretch Double”
“Tears and Cheers Mark Yanks’ Old-Timer Day – Ex-President Hoover Guest as All-Stars of ’39 Perform” with photo of Joe DiMaggio trotting out at introductions
Norm Cash
“Directors of Shrine List Revised Rules on Voting Methods – Writers to Hold Runoff If First Ballot Draws Blank–Old-Timer’s Committee Will Conduct Election Each Year”
“Mick Blasts His Way Out of Doghouse – Yank Star Swats 2 Homers Day After Casey Sent Him to Clubhouse for Loafing” with small headshot photo of Mickey Mantle
“Pittsburgh Mourns Early Star Fred Clarke – Hall of Fame Picket Skippered Buccos to Four Pennants” with nearly two full pages of coverage including photos, statistics, etc.
Plus many other articles, statistics, box scores, minor league coverage, and more!