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1951-10-17 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents
1951/10/17 —
Cover cartoon is “Mr. Blunt Joins Mr. Stunt” by Lou Darvas featuring Bill Veeck and Rogers Hornsby (along with Max Patkin) in the foreground, with Satchel Paige in the background
Headline on front cover is “Big League Players Ask for Better Deal – Want Action by Magnates in December”
“I Am Sure San Francisco and Los Angeles Could Support Big League Ball” — Warren Giles Favors Realignment in Game’s Map
“No Clowns on Browns With Hornsby at Helm” with photo of Bill Veeck and Rogers Hornsby
World Series Coverage
“Bauer Proves Double Hero in Series Clincher”
“Yankee Tradition Helped Turn Tide in Series” with aerial shot of Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds
Game by Game, 6 total, World Series Coverage – A page per game with article, photos, box scores, notes, etc.
Just under a half-page article: “Big ’52 Yank Worry — Mickey’s Injury” — With photo of Mickey Mantle on the ground in the OF as Joe DiMaggio makes catch, photo of Mantle and Mantle’s dad each in hospital beds
“You Got Troubles? Try to Interview Irvin” with photo of Ward Morehouse with Monte Irvin
8-page “The Quarterback” section focuses entirely on football with articles on Harry Agganis, Whizzer White, Larry Isbell, more!
Awesome full-page ad from the Adirondack Bat Company on inside back cover shows large image of Bobby Thomson kissing his bat with “headline” “Giants Win NL Flag on Thomson’s HR, 5-4”
Plus, believe it or not, much more! Including several articles covering many other players, usually at least something from each team; box scores, stats, standings; several pages of articles and reports on the various Minor Leagues