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1951-09-05 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents
1951/09/05 —
Cover cartoon is “A Plain Case of Magic” by Lou Darvas featuring a great image of Casey Stengel
Headline of Issue is “High-Flying Giants Dive at Box Office – Club Booed as Miscues Snap String – Only 8,803 at Polo Grounds Witnessed Spirited Crew in Try for 17th Straight”
“How to Follow Two Double-Headers at Once – Fans Keep Eye on Giants and Ear on Dodgers”
“Every Time You Looked Up Somebody Was Coming Through — Giants’ Streak Powered by Team Effort” with Willard Mullin cartoon — As of this issue Giants had cut the Dodgers lead to 5 games
“Looping the Loops” column by J.G. Taylor Spink focuses on Hank Greenberg
“Breathless Giants Face New Test as August Dash Ends — Loop Watches to See If They Fade to Normalcy; Slumbering Flag Ghosts Awaken at Polo Grounds”
“‘Who Wuz Scared?’ Bums Ask, With Sigh of Relief – Brooks Sing in Showers First Time in Weeks When Giants Streak Ends”
Allie Reynolds
Bob Kelly
“Pilots in Stands Vote Brownies to Victory Over A’s — Pick Lineup That Delivers, Set Up Double Play and Make Other Decisions That Prove Helpful”
Plus, believe it or not, much more! Including several articles covering many other players, usually at least something from each team; box scores, stats, standings; several pages of articles and reports on the various Minor Leagues
Full-page ad on back cover for Chesterfield Cigarettes features Al Rosen