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You are here: Home/Sporting News/ 1951-06-20 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents
1951-06-20 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents
1951/06/20 —
Cover cartoon is “The Cinderella Kid on a Wild Ride” by Lou Darvas featuring the White Sox
Headline on front cover is “Saigh Urges ‘Make-Good’ Bonus Curb – $50,000 Top, After Year of Play Sought”
“Ol’ Case Explodes Over Firecracker Tossing at Yankees – Threatens to Pull Team Off Field If Fan Rowdyism Continues on Next Western Trip”
Minnie Minoso feature article with cartoon by Lou Darvas
Paul Richards and White Sox coverage
Branch Rickey “Gives Pittsburgh Fans Sample of His Trade Wizardry
Chet Nichols
“Clowns Doing High-Wire Act in Negro Loop – Stout Pitching, Hard Hitting Put Indianapolis Out in Front of East Group” with Negro League standings
Sad Sam Jones article with photo
Sal Maglie
Plus, believe it or not, much more! Including several articles covering many other players, usually at least something from each team; box scores, stats, standings; several pages of articles and reports on the various Minor Leagues