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1950-10-11 The Sporting News Baseball Magazine Contents
1950/10/11 —
Cover cartoon is “Still Very Exclusive” by Willard Mullin featuring the “20-Win Club”
Headline on front cover is “Timber! Chisox Start Pilot Chopping – Hose Choice of Richards Is Reported”
“Young Whitey Is Casey Stengel’s Fair-Haired Boy — Yanks’ Ford Tagged ‘One-in-a-Lifetime’ Rookie” with large Whitey Ford cartoon by Lou Darvas
Dick Sisler feature article with large photo of Sisler and wife
“How Dodgers’ Final Flag Bid Was Flagged at Plate – They’ll Argue All Winter Over ‘Go’ Sign to Abrams”
“Bombers to Boost Stengel to $65,000 for ’51” with Casey Stengel cartoon by Willard Mullin
REPORTS ON GAMES 1 and 2 OF THE WORLD SERIES – New York Yankees lead Philadelphia Phillies 2 games to 0
Chapter 1, covering 2 full pages with text, photos and a beautiful cartoon image of Eddie Collins – From Sullivan to Collins: Colorful Life Story of Game’s Greatest Second Baseman by Eddie Collins as told to Jim Leonard
“Indians to Avoid Fanfare in Adding Their Third Negro – Officials Say Simpson Will Not Be Handicapped as Were Doby and Easter”
Plus, believe it or not, much more! Including 8-page “The Quarterback” section which includes feature article on Glenn Davis with large Willard Mullin cartoon, plus Kyle Rote article
Chesterfield Cigarettes ad on back cover features images of Joe DiMaggio, Robin Roberts, Phil Rizzuto, Granville Hamner, Yogi Berra, and Del Ennis