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1920-09-25 Colliers Magazine Contents
1920/09/25 — Cover illustrated by Frank Godwin
“The Stick-in-the-Muds” by Rupert Hughes and illustrated by Frank Godwin
One Thing We Need In Our Business by Bruce Barton and illustrated by Clive R. Weed
How We Americans Live — Part 4: Leavenworth, Kansas — by Allen D. Albert with photographs
“The Guarded Heights” by Wadsworth Camp and illustrated by Charles D. Mitchell
On the New York Stage by Heywood Broun with cartoon by A.J. Frueh and photos of Grace Valentine and Maria Ascarra
Aboard the 8.10 by Edward Streeter and illustrated by Rea Irvin
Advertising (full-page only) includes: Edison-Dick Mimeograph – United States Tires – Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company – Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Cord Tires (2 pages in center) – Art Metal – Goodyear (2 pages) – Fairbanks Scales – Victrola (color ad on back cover)