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1951-09-29 Colliers Magazine Contents
1951/09/29 — The cover is credited to Bill Tuck
Contents as follows: ARTICLES:
Epidemic at Sea, Part I, by A.J. Cronin and illustrated by Robert Fawcett
Is Hollywood Through? by Samuel Goldwyn
The Mountain Boys at Yale by Red Smith with illustration by Willard Mullin
One Week with God by Howard Whitman
New Ginger on Broadway by Noel Busch about Ginger Rogers with color photos by Bob Landry
How Mobsters Grabbed a City’s Transit Line by Gordon Schendel
Inside Harding’s Cabinet by Herbert Hoover, Continuing Herbert Hoover’s Memoirs of Public Life
Two Little Indians (For a Day) — Collier’s Color Camera
Rodeo Sisters
“Pledge Brother Pig” by Walt and Wanda Grove and illustrated by Alex Ross
“A Funny Thing About Treasure” by Dillon Anderson and illustrated by Robert Bugg
“There Is a Man in Hiding by Charles B. Child and illustrated by John Pike
“Affair of Honor” — The Short Short Story — by Charles Carver
Week’s Mail
48 States of Mind by Walter Davenport
For Sale by Dick Cavalli
Cartoons by Gardner Rea, Leslie Starke, Sister by Stanley & Janice Berenstain, Kennesaw by Reamer Keller, Vip’s War by Virgil Partch, Jeff Keate, Clancy by John Ruge, John Dempsey, George Hamilton Green, Hank Ketcham, Bill King, Roland Coe, Chon Day, Kate Osann, Butch by Larry Reynolds