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1951-09-01 Colliers Magazine Contents
1951/09/01 — The cover is credited to John Mechling
Contents as follows: ARTICLES:
Has Science Found the Spark of Life? by John Lear
“Little Mo”–Watch Her Go — Collier’s Color Camera featuring tennis phenomenon Maureen Connolly
The AFL Will Absorb the CIO When by Edwin A. Lahey
Working for Woodrow Wilson — Continuing Herbert Hoover’s Memoirs of Public Life — by Herbert Hoover
From Rackets to Riches — Concluding The Man to See in New Jersey — by Lester Velie
Push-Button Farming Is Here by Arthur Bartlett
“Fortunately, the Landlord” by Hannah Smith
America’s Million Best-dressed Men by Bert Bacharach
“Another Song, Another Spring” by Lesley Merrill and illustrated by Lionel Gilbert
“The Break” by Charles Jackson and illustrated by James Dwyer
“If You Don’t Get Caught” — Part 2 of 3 — by William R. Scott and illustrated by Tran Mawicke
“In a Pinch” by Virginia and Edwin Gilbert and illustrated by Pruett Carter
“Music Hath Charms” — The Short Short Story — by Ken Kolb
Battle of the Bugles by Bill Stapleton
Week’s Mail
48 States of Mind by Walter Davenport
Want Some Canned Ice Cubes? by Gurney Williams
Cartoons by Stanley & Janice Berenstain, Dave Gerard, Virgil Partch, George Wolfe, William Von Riegen, Bob Barnes, Lew Follette, Cindy Marcks, George Booth, Dick Cavalli, Don Tobin, Kate Osann, Frank O’Neal, John Ruge, Reamer Keller, Robert Day