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1950-12-30 Colliers Magazine Contents
1950/12/30 — The cover is credited to Homer Hill
Contents as follows: ARTICLES:
Russia Could Take Europe in Three Weeks by Allan Miche
How the Republicans Can Win in ’52 by Raymond A. McConnell, Jr.
Dollars and Sense Research by Donald Robinson
Winged Work Horse by James H. Winchester is about the DC-3
Speaking of the Boss by Tubby Threadbinder
“He Likes Contests Because …” by Frank Rasky
Mrs. Tilly’s Crusade by Helena Huntington Smith is about Dorothy Tilly
The Happiest Man in Hollywood by Willard L. Wiener is about Sam Katzman with a color photo of Johnny Weissmuller, some of the female cast of Jungle Jim, and a b&w pic of Atom Man
Sacrifice for Quick Sale by Gurney Williams
Asano and the Tough General by Paul Hollister
“Long Charles Has His Christmas” by Edmund Gilligan and illustrated by C. Calvert
“The Quarter-Deck Shell” by Elizabeth Enright and illustrated by Fred Banbery
“Racket Alley” — Part 4 of 5 — by W.R. Burnett and illustrated by Ward Brackett
The Cross Old Bear by Claire Wallis and illustrated by Pruett Carter
Red Handle by Walt Sheldon and illustrated by Mario Cooper
Little Bull of Bashan –The Short Short Story — by B.M. Atkinson, Jr.
Keep Up With the World by John Denson
48 States of Mind by Walter Davenport
Cartoons by Ted Key, Don Tobin, Sister by Stanley & Janice Berenstain, Boris Drucker, Kate Osann, Clancy by John Ruge, Charles D. Pearson, Henry Boltinoff, Reamer Keller, Dick Cavalli, Chon Day, Mel Lazarus, Butch by Larry Reynolds
Plymouth ad illustrated in color by Norman Rockwell