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1948-04-17 Colliers Magazine Contents
1948/04/17 — Cover design by Larry Barbier
Contents as follows: FICTION:
“Hunsecker Fights the World” by Ernest Lehman and illustrated by C.C. Beall
“I’m a Stranger in Town Myself” by Edwin Lanham and illustrated by William Pachner
“A Cree Could Say Goodby” by Joseph Kinsey Howard and illustrated by William Reusswig
“In This Corner–Mary Ann!” by Arthur “Bugs” Baer and illustrated by Harry Beckhoff
“The Best-Laid Plans” by Andrew Geer and illustrated by Dave Mink
“Yes, Sir!” — The Short Short Story — by Louis Camp with illustration by Charles Hawes
Men, Mikes and Money by Merlin H. Aylesworth as told to Ben Gross — Part 1: The first president of NBC describes the early efforts of Radio to win its place in the entertainment world
Fisherman’s Prof by Russ Davis about George Harvey and his course for anglers at Penn State
Escape from Austerity by Collie Small
Tandy Arrives on a Streetcar by Amy Porter — How Hollywood gave Jessica Tandy the brush-off and Broadway made her a star
It’s Hard to Be Your Age by Hannah Lees
Magic in the Garden by Carl Molitor
Beating the Arctic Bush by Richard L. Neuberger – travelling by air taxi in Alaska
This Week’s Mail from Our Readers
Collier’s Sports: Flash in the Pool by Bill Fay
Keep Up With the World by Freling Foster
The Week’s Work by Ted Shane
Washington Party Line by Robert S. Allen
Editorials – Collier’s Believes: In Opening the Closed-Shop Question – That Slapstick Is Good for What Ails You – That Censorship Defeats Itself – In Making Experience Pay – That Green and Inflation Are Brothers
Chesterfield ad on back cover features large image of Claudette Colbert