1946-05-04 Colliers Magazine Contents 1946/05/04 — Cover credited to Barney Tobey Contents as follows:FICTION: “The Outraged Heart” — Part 1 of 4 — by Agatha Christie and illustrated by Mario Cooper “Bide Your Time” by Elsie Taye and illustrated by Earl Cordrey “Check…and Mate” by Jay Wilson and illustrated by Earl Oliver Hurst “A Friend in the Barranca” by John Burgan and illustrated by Dun Roman “Last Reveille” by Knox Burger and illustrated by Denver Gillen “Just Remember That” — The Short Short Story — by Irene Kittle Kamp and illustrated by Carl Bobertz ARTICLES This Was Hitler’s Mind by Major Cortez F. Enloe, Jr., M.C., A.U.S. and Hans H. Reese, M.D. Stassen’s Political Gamble by Walter Davenport with full-page photo of Harold Stassen It’s in the Bag by Ruth Carson Our Army Is Undemocratic by Joel W. Westbrook and illustrated by Barney Tobey Haiti Hoedown by Earl Leaf and Leonie Greenwood-Adams So You’re Going Touring by Jim Marshall Superman in Feathers by William Abbott They Seek a Promised Land by Edward P. Morgan about Jewish refugees from Poland and Central Europe PLUS: Keep Up With the World by Freling Foster Wing Talk by Jim Marshall and Gerry Dick The Week’s Work by Amy Porter Editorials: Our Wisest Foreign Policy – A National University – War Against Highway Slaughter Nescafe ad with color illustration by Arthur Szyk of coffee drinkers in 1554 in Damascus Imperial Whiskey ad with large color illustration by Thomas Hart Benton