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1918-10-19 Colliers Magazine Contents
1918/10/19 — Cover illustrated by Edward Penfield
Don’t Forget the Navy by Richard Washburn Child
The “Made-in-Germany” Press Agent by James W. Gerard
“Lady Larkspur” — Chapter 1: The Troops — by Meredith Nicholson and illustrated by James Montgomery Flagg
The Stage Enlists — a page of photos of the Stage Women’s War Relief including pics of Blanche Bates, Florence Nash, Peggy O’Neil, Elsie Ferguson, Carroll McComas, and Minnie Dupree
Holland and the Great War by H.W. Van Loon
Fine and Dandy by Oscar Graeve and illustrated by R.M. Crosby
“The Three Musketeers” – Inspired by a sketch under the same title, drawn by Lieut. Herbert Morton Stoops – by Donal Hamilton Haines and illustrated by F.C. Yohn
Letters from the Air — No. 7: Shooting ‘Em Up by Lieut. J. Alexander Bayne
Business in War Time — No. 16: Internationalizing the American Idea