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1900-05-26 Colliers Magazine Contents
1900/05/26 —
Outer cover illustrated by Louis Loeb
Inside cover/title page headlined “Fighting in the Trenches — The Royal Munster Fusiliers Defending the Redoubt at Honey New Kloof Where the Boers Opposed Most Desparately the Northward Advance of the British Army Through the Orange Free State”
Collier’s Weekly Editorial Page
The Work of the Fifty-Sixth Congress by Senator William Pierce Frye, President of the Senate with photo of the Senator
“For Our Dead — May 30th” a poem by Clinton Scollard which along with a Louis Loeb painting fill a page
Full-page photo: “The Paris Exposition From the Dome of the Trocadero”
“The Adventures of a Modest Man” — A serialized story picking up at Chapter 3 — by Robert W. Chambers
The Utah Mine Disaster with photos
The Political Contest of 1900 — Part 4: The Issue of Imperialism — by Henry Loomis Nelson
8 photos taking up a full page: “Scenes and Incidents at The Paris Exposition”
“The Outlaw” — Part 2: The Two Cabs and the Oven — by H.B. Marriott Watson with drawings by C. Harding
Center Page: A two-page wide illustration by W.T. Smedley captioned “One for the Hole – A Romance of the Fair Green” showing a couple on the golf course, the man putting while his caddie holds the flag
From a Woman’s Viewpoint — Edited by Margaret E. Sangster
Sport Travel Adventure — Edited by Walter Camp with drawings by MAx F. Klepper of The Metropolitan Handicap race at Morris Park, NY, followed by a full page containing 7 horizontal photos captioned “Remarkable Photographs of Action,” in this case 4 track and field scenes and 3 horse racing scenes
Loaded with small advertisements of the day, notably a small ad from the Woods Motor Vehicle Company declaring “Prompt Delivery of any style Electric Automobiles”