1922-05 Atlantic Monthly Magazine Contents 1922/05 — Contents as follows: Steel — Part 1: A Clean-Up’s Job in the ‘Pit’ by Charles Rumford Walker, Jr. The United States Steel Corporation — Some Social Considerations by Kirby Page The Quare Women — Part 1: They Come In by Lucy Furman Ireland from a Scotland Yard Notebook — Part 2: The Irish Education of Mr. Lloyd George by Carl W. Ackerman An Adventure in Prophecy by James Stephens Poems by Anne Goodwin Winslow Whom the Land Loves by Mary Alden Hopkins Hairy Mary — A Tale by A.H. Singleton Hunting Oil in Oklahoma by Roderick Peattie What Is College For? by Arthur E. Morgan Upland Pastures — A Story by Mary Ellen Chase Useless Information by Robert M. Gay Socialism in Undeveloped Countries by Bertrand Russell An Inland Harbor by Joseph Husband Tired — A Poem by Fannie Stearns Gifford The New World:The American Effort – A Comprehensive Estimate by Erich Von Ludendorff Little Missions by Ralph Butler Getting Out of Russia by Baroness Wrangel Gandhi at First Hand by E.M.S. The Contributor’s Club The Contributor’s Column The Atlantic’s Bookshelf