1980-12 Atlantic Monthly Magazine Contents 1980/12 — Contents as follows: Ulster’s Children by Robert Coles Words Upon the Greatness of William McGonagall The Names of Christmas by John Ciardi “Look Out for Turkey Wart” And other advice from Thurber to E.B. White by James Thurber Museums and Hype by Deborah Trustman FICTION: “The Man Who Counted” by John P. Sisk “The Twisted River” by Peter Meinke POETRY: “Driftwood” by David Wagoner REPORTS & COMMENT: Poland: A Weakened Communist Party Fights for Survival by Murray Seeger Bolivia: Once More, the Generals Take Over by Ray Bonner LIFE & LETTERS: Aunty Crime’s Neighborhood Newsletter by Andrew Ward Not Being There by Robert Ebert The New Journalism Revisited by Deborah McGill PLA The Editor’s Page The Wary Traveler by Caskie Stinnett The Mail The Atlantic Puzzler