1947-09 47 Magazine Contents 1947/09 – ARTICLES: Ward Heeler by Morris Markey with photographs by William Vandivert A Happy Family–If by Mary Fisher Langmuir Triumph of the Female by Waverley Root The 64 Who Run America by John Gunther St. Valentine’s Day Massacre by Herbert Asbury Whose History? by Aldous Huxley Farewell to Margaret O’Brien by Marion Hargrove Supersonics: Faster Than Brass by Philip McKee NARRATIVE: The Three Aspects by Christopher La Farge Sore Loser by Robert Smith Who Will Die for Me? by Robert Payne The Return of F.D.R. by C.S. Forester WORDS AND PICTURES: Ballet, 1947 by Gjon Mili Caustic Art of Jack Levine by Elizabeth McCausland Capa – Man Who Invented Himself by John Hersey Pour Le Sport by Robert Osborn The Lure of the Game by Hy Peskin –At Present Prices by John Lardner Is This Seat Taken? Yes by Ogden Nash Your Quanta Personality by Lloyd Mann with photographs by Stephen Fay An Author or Eight