1949-04 The Yale Review Magazine Contents 1949/4 (Summer) — Contents as follows: Washington and the Atlantic Pact by Marquis W. Childs The Great Wall of Russia by Walter Millis The Atlantic Pact in the American Tradition by Norman Angell Fantasy in D-Minor — Verse by Leonard Bacon Yankee Skipper by Archibald MacLeish Goethe : Science and Poetry by Victor Lange Man and Energy by Edmund W. Sinnett Beauty is Relative — A Story by Christine Weston Joyce’s Sentimental Journey by Harry Levin Two Poems by Inez Shell Modern British Painting by Denys Sutton Research in the Humanities by E.M.W. Tillyard Russia in the Far East by Robert J. Kerner New Shows — A Story by John Berry Closed for Good — Verse by Robert Frost The New Editors by Helen MacAfree New Books in Review Outstanding Novels by Orville Prescott