1947-03 The Yale Review Magazine Contents 1947/3 (Spring) — Contents as follows: Issues and Leaders in Washington by Marquis Childs Places for Displaced Persons by Alvin Johnson The Old and the New Diplomacy by E.L. Woodward The Sun Moves North — Verse by John Dillon Husband Trollope by Chancey Brewster Tinker The Mediterranean Way of Life by Kent Roberts Greenfield Men With Their Big Shoes — A Story by Shirley Jackson The Layman and Libraries by Wilmarth S. Lewis Inprovisation for Spring — Verse by Joan Murray The Heritage of Symbolism in Modern Poetry by Richmond C. Beatty Cultural Handicaps in the Northwest by Joseph Kinsey Howard This Ever-Homing Time — Verse by Elbridge Gerry Anderson The Formation of Stars by Lyman Spitzer, Jr. The Complex Problem of China by Paul M.A. Linebarger When They Cast Their Leaves — A Story by Catherine Barrett New Books in Review Outstanding Novels by Orville Prescott The Library of the Quarter by The Editors